Antiquity just won’t leave us alone. Until now. Rational Deism®.
Ancient religion can serve an important role in life, but no one should take our ability to keep thinking, to discover our personal truth. Faith should not be blind, but rather insightful, thoughtful, and rational. The perfection of humanity is wisdom, rationality. Rational Deism®.
We evolve as human beings. Rational Deism® keeps all of the ancient faith and discards all of the delusion, all of the formalisms, and all of the ancient irrational dogma. Light and easy. Learn More.
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Many faiths, one people. It’s about time.
Rational Deism® It is not the Only. It is the All.
Diversity United. One.
The Three Enlightened Tenets of Rational Deism®.

All Yields to Personal Revelation.
To the Rational Deist, ancient religion helps a person to achieve personal revelation, such as in the spirit of The Buddha. At the point of personal revelation, faith is perfected unto itself. Ancient religion, as such, is a means, but not an end.
Perfection does not need to defend, attack, explain, justify or excuse. It cannot be expressed or shared. It is as unique as each of us. Learn More.

No Professing Divine Knowledge.
Socrates was clear that the greatest fools were those who presumed divine knowledge. Rational Deism® does not assert divine knowledge, in humility and rational self-awareness. Faith that does not understand the limits of its own nature is delusive, and good is from truth, not delusion.
Rational Deism® acknowledges the limitations of knowledge. Learn More.

Rational Deism® invites everyone who loves, without judgment in the nature of Jesus.
“I am a Hindu, Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, and a Jew,” said Gandhi. Rational Deism® unifies. Unlike the presumption and arrogance of others, Rational Deism® does not claim itself as “the Only,” but, rather, unifying “the All.” Learn More.
Theists, Atheists, and Agnostics Welcomed.
Rational Deism® accepts atheists and agnostics. The substance of the Three Enlighted Tenets controls: Personal Revelation, No Arrogance of Divine Knowledge, and Love all can apply to theists and non-theists. The Rational Deist may or may not assert deities, but refers to the The Ethereal as any of that which is non-temporal. Everyone can have personal revelation, and can love, and can share The Second Tenet by not professing knowledge of the divine (Ethereal). Therefore, by substantive principles, atheists and agnostics are welcomed completely and without reservations or judgments. Learn More.
Join Us.
We want you to join us. Not for us. For you and others. There are no obligations or costs. If you want to give anything to us, that’s fine and we’ll thank you. But we’re here to give to you, not to take from you. Revelation is free, by its nature. Revelation is not in you. Revelation is you. We respect your revelation. Rational Deists share only the enlightened lucidity that supports diversity of belief.
You can join our free mailing list, you can volunteer or become a member, or donate to the unifying cause of Rational Deism®.

Social Media and Personal Revelation…
Social media continues to prove the human psychological inclination to self-validation with Likes, which is the very reason that ancient religion must survive by socializing itself (effectively with ancient Likes). It needs the host of social validation to live. But personal revelation does not need external validation, it perfects itself within self.
If there is one thing—one thing—to which a human being is naturally entitled, it is the perfection of Personal Revelation. Perfection does not need to defend, attack, explain, justify or excuse. It cannot be expressed or shared. It is necessarily as unique as each of us.
The Problem Resolved…
Many religions are delusive. Here’s why: Faith is not a fact. Faith is an opinion. Treating opinion as fact is a delusion, by definition. No faith can seek truth and be based upon, or require, a state of delusion.
When one faith is concluded to be the only “correct” faith, everything else must be wrong, by definition. Then war, and hate, and death, and the destruction of humanity. We know this. Ancient religious contention and all history prove it.
Ancient religions tend to condemn every contradictory non-conforming thought, claiming that everyone must first be a theist, and then everyone must have the same god(s), and then everyone must believe the same godly dogma, thus everyone must have the same opinion, or else…. This only serves to perpetuate of the institution of religion, it does not serve to perpetuate the person. Rational Deism® sloughs off ancient fear. Freedom is natural self-revelation. The fruit of goodness proves itself.
The First Enlightened Tenet is respect for each person’s unique personal relationship regarding The Ethereal. The Second Enlightened Tenet is that we are not capable of knowing the divine, as such. The Third Enlightened Tenet ties all together with the Love that subsumes all existential social goodness. Truth abhors delusion.
Rational Deism® practices what it preaches. True goodness.