Love ~ The Third Enlightened Tenet
When Abraham Lincoln was asked why he did not join any church, he responded, in substance, that he found their “articles of belief” too complicated. He would join any church that had love as its only requirement for membership. Similarly essentially, when Mohandas Gandhi was asked if he was a Hindu, he responded, “Yes I am. I am also a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist and a Jew.” This is wisdom.
Both of these great human beings understood that love binds. True love, that is. True love unites. True love does not judge or condemn, but accepts. False love is judgmental and thereby condemning, and thereby abrasive, and thereby adduces hate, war, death and destruction.
For the astute thinker, which is the tendency of a Rational Deist, it might be said that the First Enlightened Tenet and the Second Enlightened Tenet, with this Third Enlightened Tenet are all subsumed into each other as ONE at the point of perfection. Love will become perfect in self-revelation, sloughing off comparatives and needs and fears, and it no longer needs to compare or asserts dogmas. Each of the Three Enlightened Tenets perfects all the others.
The Rational Deist’s adherence to the Three Enlightened Tenets respects diversity of unique personal thought, which adduces love back unto itself. Rational Deism® feeds others by the principles from which it nourishes itself, growing essential goodness.