Rational Deism® ~ All Are Welcomed All Here
It has been said that Rational Deism® is for “smart people.” That is not exactly true, and yet it is sort of true.
Rational Deism® is rational, which requires thinking about faith, and never stopping to think about faith. Any faith that is untethered from thinking is a form of delusion, which no critical thinker accepts.
Statistically, most people are indoctrinated with religious dogma. The nature of cognitive humanity throughout time seeks meaning and answers, which adduces principles of divinity; that is, gods and deities. As to the various deities, time and culture supply the dogmas. Indeed, if someone is born into a Christian family, that person will tend to be a Christian, and so it goes with the many, particularly the ancients.
A Rational Deist can assert any set of belief, dogma, agnosticism or atheism, because a Rational Deist makes one fundamental exception to any contrary dogma: a Rational Deist does not assert divine knowledge by application of the Second Enlightened Tenet. Therefore, a Rational Deist might say, “I am a Catholic Rational Deist,” which expresses the concept that the person follows Catholic dogma, but does not assert faith as blind fact, but only faith as insightful opinion. Whether the Christian Church at issue claims a parishioner violation of dogma is not the essential concern for Rational Deism® by application of all Three Enlightened Tenets. In the qualification, the Rational Deist finds wisdom, rationality, and truth. Treating faith as it must be is not to insult it, but rather to perfect it.
No religion can assert a fact that is not a fact without delusion, and no religion should adduce delusion. But many religions expect delusion with a “true religion” and “false religion” concept that betrays what faith really is, thereby treating faith as fact, which is delusion, by definition. Not only delusion, but ancient delusion. Ancient delusion that really tends only to care to perpetuate a blinded socialization and survival of a religious dogma, but not to let anyone achieve a unique personal revelation by that very dogma. Religions are one way to achieve personal revelation, which is a freedom unchained.
A Rational Deist speaks in the first person only. “Islam is the one true faith, for me.“ “Christianity has perfected my spirit.” This is the perfection of Mohandas Gandhi’s statement that he was a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Jew. A Rational Deist is disciplined not to say, “Even though you are a Jew, Christ died for you.” That type of statement would violate all of the The Three Enlightened Tenets, as an implied arrogant presumptuous imposition of dogma disguised as love. Even if a Rational Deist thought it for a moment, a Rational Deist would not say it by application of The Three Enlightened Tenets.
Rational Deism® will accept anyone who understands the difference in opinion from fact, and wisdom from delusion.
The First Enlightened Tenet scopes revelation to self, as a personal and unique experience. Anyone who believes this to be true, will not deprive anyone else from the same personal and unique revelation. The Second Enlightened Tenet perfects the The First Enlightened Tenet; to wit: To believe that each person is entitled to find revelation as a unique experience, it naturally follows that the Rational Deist will not try to socialize a particular dogma as the “will of god (or the gods),” which contradicts personal and unique revelation. The Third Rational Tenet might be the cause or a natural effect of the other two Enlightened Tenets, but each perfects the others.